Mrs. Janelle Reitsma

Secondary Art
Hi, welcome to Art at CCS Secondary Campus! I'm Janelle Reitsma and I have the great pleasure of being the Art instructor for the whole secondary campus this year. I am an alumni of CCS myself, and have had the opportunity to land back on my home turf! This will be my 10th year teaching at CCS. I married my high school sweet-heart and we have 3 lovely daughters.
Art has always been and continues to be a passion and creative outlet for me. I am excited by the vibrancy of the color cadmium red, the lines displayed in the texture of a leaf and the beauty of unique brush strokes. And I get even more excited when students explore and realize these gifts! I have the pleasure of teaching students to look at God’s creation, to use it as points of inspiration and to be Beauty- Creators themselves. It is my desire to encourage and grow the creative and artistic talents in all my students.
I can be reached by email!