Traffic Guidelines

Drop off and Pick up - Church Parking lot

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Keeping our children safe!

  • See diagram for Emmanuel Church Parking lot traffic flow
  • Remember to follow the ONE WAY drop off procedure if using the “drive-through” area
  • The retaining wall area has enough room for two lanes (and students to walk immediately beside the wall). The lane closest to the wall is where cars stop and drop off kids (with no getting out and kissing and hugging them), and the inside lane is for cars to pull right through. Always using caution as many students are in the area.

Drop and Go - 49 Street

Drop and Go Zone on 49 Street - Mornings only

Due to safety concerns from jay-walking across 49th street, and to provide an efficient way to drop off  and pick up students, we will be implementing a DROP and GO zone on the west side of the road. If families choose not to use the DROP and GO zone, they are asked to use patrols when crossing 49th street.

‘Drop and Go Zone’ Guidelines

  • On 49 street between the signs (sandwich boards for this purpose)
  • Driver may not exit the vehicle
  • There will be school personnel to help with getting kids out of cars
  • Students should be old enough to exit on their own (unbuckle car seats, seat belts)
  • All backpacks must be ready (not in trunk)
  • Students must exit on curb-side
  • Several vehicles can pull up and have students exiting at the same time
  • Do not park on the other side of 49th street, across from Drop and Go zone
  • The aim is for 5 - 10 seconds per car so as not to create buildup down the street.
  • No u-turns in the school/playground zone
  • NO stopping/parking allowed in the afternoons