Mrs. Beth Gillard

Grade 6
My name is Beth Gillard,
I hope my students stop and learn to see God’s story. I hope they learn to reflect and make connections between themselves, God’s story and their learning. I hope they move past the simple right/wrong and towards a posture of compassion, justice and love. I hope they own their place in God’s family and welcome others to it. I hope they belong.
Learning a new language can be frustrating and intimidating. There will be times that a learner feels silly and out of place. My hope is that my students learn that the struggle leads to learning, and that they learn to grow even when it’s uncomfortable. While in that place of struggle, I hope they learn to extend compassion to others who struggle. As Community-Builders and Beauty-Creators, we learn to make the world better as God calls us to be; not just consuming for our own pleasure but creating a world where everyone can belong.
I love spending time with my family, particularly in the mountains on a hike. I enjoy making art and music. I love to teach, and I look forward to creating a connection with students online. Click here to reach my Google Site.