ELEMENTARY: 2839 49 St SW, T3E 3X9
SECONDARY: 5029 26 Ave SW T3E 0R5 , Calgary, Alberta
Phone: (403) 242-2896
THE AFTER-SCHOOL FRIDAY PROGRAM will be offered mainly to **DIV 1 STUDENTS in order to balance age groups.
**I'm occasionally looking for helpers, which could be a good fit for older kids if they need a place to be. Let me know if your child would be interested! They'll be paid and fed.
Classes run on the following dates:SEP 15, 22, 29 OCT 6, 13, 27 NOV 3, 17, 24 DEC 1, 8 Cost: $35 per week (15% off given to siblings registered. A discount of 50% will be given for every 4th class in which you register your child).
The following PD DAYS will be offered for DIV 2 STUDENTS ONLY:Oct 10- PAINTING WORKSHOP based on AERIAL PHOTOS. Students will each paint a large canvas! We'll discuss brush techniques, color relationships and composition. We'll break for pizza at lunch. Time will also be given for open exploration with different drawing/painting media.
Cost $55 (15% discount will be given to siblings)
10 spaces available
Lunch will be provided, so please let me know of any allergies.
Oct 19 & 20: TEACHER'S CONVENTION Join me for a 2-DAY PAPER SCULPTING WORKSHOP, where we will use this highly pliable and durable medium to sculpt a weird or wonderful form of your choice: animal heads, mutant sea life, exotic plants, etc! Guidance in technique will be given but students have the freedom to design and paint their own forms. 2 days are ideal for this project as the clay requires overnight drying time before forms can be painted.
TOTAL COST: $100 (15% discount for siblings)
9am-3pm 10 spaces available
*Students must bring a lunch but plenty of snacks will be provided!
ELEMENTARY: 2839 49 St SW, T3E 3X9
SECONDARY: 5029 26 Ave SW T3E 0R5 , Calgary, Alberta
Phone: (403) 242-2896